


Nebraska Revised Statutes 84-1407 through 84-1414


PLEASE NOTE:  The meeting scheduled for Friday, March 21, 2025 has been CANCELLED.


Friday, April 18, 2025 beginning at 9:00 a.m.

First Floor Hearing Room

Nebraska State Office Building

301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, Nebraska



Although the meeting will be held in-person, any member of the public can join the meeting “virtually” via Webex by clicking on the following link:, or by copying it or typing it into the address line of their web browser.  The event number (access code) is 2490 543 0736.  The event password is NPRB04-18-25 (67720401 from phones and video systems).


When joining you will be prompted for your name and email.  This information is used only to identify you as an attendee.  If you wish to remain anonymous, you may enter your first name as “Public”, your last name as “Attendee”, and your email as


If you wish to make comments during the meeting you will need to click on the “raise your hand” icon and you will be required to identify yourself for the record once the host unmutes your line.


If you wish to listen to the meeting via telephone only, dial 1-408-418-9388 (not toll free).  Then enter access code 2490 543 0736.  Press # to continue, then enter 67720401#.



1.       Roll Call of Board members.


2.       Review and approval of the minutes from the February 21, 2025 meeting.*   Minutes - Feb. 21, 2025.docx


3.       Review and acceptance of the expense reports for February and March 2025.*   Budget Status Feb. 2025.pdf


4.       Briefing by Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. regarding how transmission is coordinated in the western interconnection, what entities are involved, and other issues related to the Board’s participation in the newly formed CREPC 1920 Ad Hoc Committee.*


5.       Consider PRB-4050.  This is an application filed by the City of Central City requesting authority to construct 2.2 miles of 69 kilovolt subtransmission line in Merrick and Hamilton Counties, Nebraska.  The project will upgrade an existing 34.5 kV line that serves the City and includes .4 mile of 12.5 kV underbuilt distribution line owned by Southern Public Power District.*    PRB-4050 -- Central City (1) (2.2 Miles 69kV in Merrick & Hamilton Cos) Application.pdf


6.       Consider amending Guidance Document 14.  The changes would clarify that for a privately owned energy storage resource to be considered associated with a generation facility, the owner of the associated facility must be an applicant or co-applicant for the proposed energy storage resource.*   Guidance Document 14 (Energy Storage Resources) Draft Amendment for 4-18-25 PRB Meeting.docx


7.       Executive Director’s report.


  1. Update on Southwest Power Pool activities.


  2. Review of bills introduced before the Nebraska Legislature that may affect the Board or the electric industry.  The Board may consider taking a position on bills or amendments.*


8.       Adjourn.*


*  Action item.  A vote is scheduled for or possible on this agenda item.

Note:  This agenda is subject to revision.  It will be continually updated until it is made final approximately one week prior to the meeting.  Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 84-1411, the Board reserves the right to amend the agenda up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.