Orders Issued by the Board

PRB-4031 -- Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power (5.5) (7.39 miles 230 kV in Scotts Bluff Co) Scan of Signed Order.pdf


Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District's Petition for Charter Amendment 6 -- Order on Standing and Merits.pdf


Complaint C-55 - DeBoer v. City of Fairbury -- Order on Merits.pdf


Complaint C-55 - DeBoer v. City of Fairbury -- Order on Motion to Dismiss Based on Jurisdiction.pdf


PRB-3931-G & 3932-G (consolidated) -- In re OPPD to Construct 450 MW & 150 MW Natural Gas Generation (Order on Merits).pdf


PRB-3931-G & 3932-G (consolidated) -- In re OPPD to Construct 450 MW & 150 MW Natural Gas Generation (Order on Sierra Club's Intervention).pdf


SAA 400-16-A -- Neligh v. Elkhorn RPPD (Compensation for Annexed Service Territory; Order on Merits After Remand).pdf


SAA 400-16-A -- Neligh v. Elkhorn RPPD (Order Denying Motion for Rehearing).pdf


SAA 400-16-A -- Neligh v. Elkhorn RPPD (Compensation for Annexed Service Territory; Order on Merits).pdf Complaint C-55 - DeBoer v. City of Fairbury -- Order on Merits.pdf


PRB-3774 -- In re NPPD to Construct 220 Miles of 345 kV Transmission Line (R-Plan; Review Limited to Criteria in 70-1014) Order on Merits.pdf


PRB-3774 -- In re NPPD to Construct 220 Miles 345 kV Transmission Line (R-Plan; Standing for Non-Utility Interventions).pdf


PRB-3621 -- In re City of Minden to Construct 2.12 Miles 69 kV &200 Feet 34.5 kV Transmission Line (Duplication of Facilities).pdf


PRB-3617 -- In re NPPD to Construct 53 Miles 345 kV Transmission Line (Order on Mertis; Axtell to Kansas Line; Deference to Game & Parks Review; Off-System Sales).pdf


PRB-3617 -- In re NPPD ton Construct 53 Miles 345 kV Transmission Line (Order on Petition for Intervention by Non-Utilities).pdf


PRB-3355 -- In re OPPD to Construct 600 MW Coal Generation Facility (Order on Merits).pdf


PRB-3355 -- In re OPPD to Construct 600 MW Coal Generation Facility (Order on Non-Utility Intervention).pdf


PRB-2030 -- In re Black Hills Energy to Construct 90 Miles 230 kV Transmission Line (Application Filed by Private Entity).pdf